Tuesday, February 2, 2016

What does it mean?

It's a directive. "Go Make A Difference in Life..." - for you, a friend, a stranger, the planet, the human race. It means playing a part in making this world a better place to live, for one or many.   It means seeing the Spirit in your fellow man, your neighbor, coworker, husband, child, friend, foe - and doing what you can to let them know they matter, they are loved, they are a part of something bigger than themselves, that they belong, that this life is precious, and we all have a reason for being here.

It means doing.  A smile here, a kind word there, a shoulder to cry on, a confidant, a helper, an act of service.  It could be sharing your experiences, your pain, or your joy.   It all counts equally. 

It's my directive, to me. And this will be where I journal about how I GoMADinLife.